Hey Guys,
This Friday after your hockey games come down to Joe’s Apartment (not Joe Wong’s place) Its a bar directly across the street from the Roxy. Rob Quayles band will be headlining. THey’ll be on about 9:30-10:00pm.
[googlemaps https://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Joe’s+Apartment,+Granville+Street,+Vancouver,+BC&aq=0&oq=joe’s+apartment&sll=54.112352,-126.555646&sspn=21.280376,51.855469&ie=UTF8&hq=Joe’s+Apartment,+Granville+Street,+Vancouver,+BC&t=m&ll=49.285136,-123.120131&spn=0.009798,0.018239&z=15&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
Wanna check the music out first? go to……
P.S – maybe Mr. Ron Logan will be up on stage playing the Mandolin with us?