Start of the Regular Season

Hi everyone,

Well our 3 game exhibition season is now complete and we have had a chance to look at all the new players in the league, there are about 15 of them.

The captains got together after the final game on Friday and discussed the possibility of making trades in order to balance the teams. We decided that we would wait until the completion of a full cycle of games, where every team has played every other team. At that point, we will review the players and the teams’ records and if we need to make trades to balance out the teams, we will do so.

For the new players, the league also rebalances the teams after two complete rounds of play so that if one team is 2-8 and another team is 8-2, there will be trades. The entire concept of the league is to have balanced teams whereby every week, you feel you have a chance to win the game.

So onward and forward, enjoy the season, play hard, play clean, play safe and play competitively.

One other note, I noticed during the last 2 weeks that one team was short a goalie and goalies from other teams (Paul Arsenault and Drew Robertson) got dressed early and helped out the team that was short a goalie for as long as they could – THAT is the Simons spirit !! Keep it up boyz !

Have fun this year guys and come on up to the bar after your game to shoot the breeze, there’s usually plenty of food, beer and BS floating around !!

The Commish

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