OK Boyz and GIrls,
Today you will find out IF you’ve been drafted !! Ya know there might be an outside chance that you just didn’t get drafted and you should definitely come out and find out for sure !! 😎
See you at the Firefighters Pub at 7:00 pm tomorrow night for a night of fun, prizes, drafting and a lot of BS stories about how great we are on the ice !!
Tonight is the easiest time to pay your full/half fees for the year. Dale will be there, and you can bring him cash or cheques to pay your fees. Once again here are the fees for 2017/2018.
Total fees for the upcoming year are either $800 or $830.
Option #1 – One Payment totaling $800 (well 2 payments actually)
$800 if you pay 100% of the fees on or before September 15th.
$100 deposit has already been paid so balance owing is $700 by 15th September
Option #2 – Two Payments (well 3 payments actually)
$830 if you pay the fees in two installments
$100 deposit has already been paid
Balance owing by Sept 15th is $315 (due to popular demand this figure has been lowered)
2nd Installment is $415 payable by November 1st
1. E-transfer to teamharvey@shaw.ca Security question: Commish’s last name Answer: Docherty
2. Bring a cheque or cheques to the Draft on Thursday, August 31st
3. Bring cash to the Draft on Thursday, August 31st
4.. Any other method you can think of.
See you Thursday guys, we’ll be starting right on time !!
The Commish