Additional Trades

Hey guys,

Our captains have gone trade crazy, remember we’re trying to equalize the teams so that everyone has a shot. There is no other reason for trading guys except to create balance among the teams. Here’s whats happened so far over the weekend:

Alan McCammon to Bruins and Patrick Mooney to the Black Hawks
Tom Steele to the Red Wings and Rob Murdoch to the Bruins (RM then traded again)
Robbie Quayle to the Black Hawks and Yves Trividic to the Canadians
John Sellars to the Canadians and Marty Kolodzian to the Black Hawks
Rob Murdoch to the Canadians and Vinny Maddalozzo to the Bruins (VM then traded again)
Vinny Maddalozzo to the Rangers and Brad Sandquist to the Bruins
Steve Darling to the Leafs and Joe Wong to the Red Wings

There may be other trades and if there are, we’ll keep you advised of them. Traded players should check for the schedule to see when their new team plays.

If you were traded from either the Red Wings (Steve Darling) or the Canadians (Marty and Robbie Q) then you need to get your jersey to the rink for Friday night as both those teams play in the early game.

See you Friday guyz. If there are more trades we’ll keep you posted !

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