Category: The Commish

Additional Trades

Hey guys,

Our captains have gone trade crazy, remember we’re trying to equalize the teams so that everyone has a shot. There is no other reason for trading guys except to create balance among the teams. Here’s whats happened so far over the weekend:

Alan McCammon to Bruins and Patrick Mooney to the Black Hawks
Tom Steele to the Red Wings and Rob Murdoch to the Bruins (RM then traded again)
Robbie Quayle to the Black Hawks and Yves Trividic to the Canadians
John Sellars to the Canadians and Marty Kolodzian to the Black Hawks
Rob Murdoch to the Canadians and Vinny Maddalozzo to the Bruins (VM then traded again)
Vinny Maddalozzo to the Rangers and Brad Sandquist to the Bruins
Steve Darling to the Leafs and Joe Wong to the Red Wings

There may be other trades and if there are, we’ll keep you advised of them. Traded players should check for the schedule to see when their new team plays.

If you were traded from either the Red Wings (Steve Darling) or the Canadians (Marty and Robbie Q) then you need to get your jersey to the rink for Friday night as both those teams play in the early game.

See you Friday guyz. If there are more trades we’ll keep you posted !

Roster Changes

Hi Boys,

We’ve had a small roster change. Aidan Docherty suffered a season ending injury, as such Steve Toews has been traded to the Blackhawks to cover the position. To fill the open spot on the Rangers, please welcome back Ron Logan to a full-time Simons position. He was splitting the year with Pat Kobayashi. But Ron has agreed and paid (right!?) to come back to the league. The replacement player to split the year with Pat has yet to be determined.


Safe Play

Hi Boys,

Ten days ago a Provincial court judge in Ontario handed out an aggravated assault charge to a recreational hockey player for a blind side hit during a game. Check out the video below for all the information.

We all need to do our part to keep Simons safe. So let’s keep our heads up and our hands down.


Draft Night – Thursday August 21st

Hey guys, just a reminder!!

Come and see what team you’re going to be drafted by.
Come and see if you’re going in the first round!
Come and meet your new teammates at the 3rd Annual Simons Hockey Draft.


Be the WINNER of 2 draws to receive 1/2 of your annual fees paid for by the league!
But you gotta be there to WIN!

We’ll be having draws for hockey sticks, tape, sharpeners, equipment and more!
But you gotta be there to win!

So tell your family, tell your friends, tell your boss (they can buy some beer!) to be at Firefighter’s on Thursday August 21st at 7:00 pm for the 3rd Annual Simons Hockey Draft !

Same place as last year, Firefighters Pub.

The Commish

2014 Fees for Simons Hockey

Hi guys,

As you know Simons Hockey in upon us very shortly. We’ll be starting the season on the Friday after Labour Day, September 5th, same times: 5:15, 5:45 and 6:45. Schedules will be sent out shortly and if you don’t attend the draft, your captain will get a hold of you after the 21st August to let you know what team you’re on.

We have increased the number of games this year by 4 in order to avoid guys being away on Spring Break at the end of the playoffs. So this year we’ll have a total of 30 games as opposed to 26 last year. Ice costs have gone up as have costs for referees, so the annual fees have gone up as well. Not much we can do about it !

YOU MUST PAY BEFORE YOU PLAY – NO EXCEPTIONS – If your Captain allows you to play before you pay, your team will lose one of its wins in the playoffs so be forewarned, pay first, play second!

Fees for 2014 / 2015 are as follows:
One Payment of $ 770.00
Two Payments: First payment (before you play) $500 and 2nd payment November 1 of $300.

Cost for Goalies is, as always, 50% of regular fees.

1. You can pay by cash or cheques only. You cannot pay 8-Rinks directly.

2. Bring your cheques to the Draft (both cheques please)
First Cheque $500 dated September 1st
Second Cheque $300 dated November 1st

3. Mail both cheques to :
Dale Harvey
4510 Lions Avenue
North Vancouver, BC
V7R 3S8

If you have any questions about the fees, let me know.

The Commish

8 Rinks Hockey – Friday May 9

Hi Guys,

Steve Corea is putting together game this Friday night. Here are the details:

Rink 3 @ 6:00PM, the cost is $15 which comes with two beers. It is first come, first serve and there are only 20 spots. Contact Steve Corea if you are interested.

Sam McCullough

In the Crease


Our goalies are standing their ground and asking for us to stay out of their crease.

Below is the crease rule and I’ve sent it to the refs and asked them to call it accordingly – so stay out of the crease until the puck enters, then the goalies, especially Yves, are fair game !! Just kidding, but the message is, give the goalies the room they deserve. See you Friday !!

4.7 goal crease
Players in the offensive zone are not permitted to enter the crease area under any circumstance before the puck enters the crease area. If a Player’s skate(s) enters the crease voluntarily in any manner, the Referee has the discretion to blow down the play, and a face-off will take place at the nearest spot in the neutral zone.

Only if, in the opinion of the Referee, the defending Team has clear possession and control of the puck, with a clear path to moving out of the zone, shall the Referee allow play to continue.

The Commish

Happy New Year!

Hi Boys,

Just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. As you celebrate tonight, think about this Friday. We are just two days from hitting the ice for the 2014 portion of our season.

As a reminder the schedule for January 3rd is:

5:15PM – Bruins vs Red Wings
5:45PM – Rangers vs Canadiens
6:45PM – Maple Leafs vs Blackhawks

The standings are going to be changing this week. No more ties as the Bruins, Blackhawks, and Rangers all look to take the top spot. The Maple Leafs also have an opportunity to move up, provided the Red Wings and Canadiens play upset heroes!

Good luck to everyone and see you on the ice this week.

Happy New Year,
Simons Hockey


Hi guys,

The captains met on Friday night as we usually do after 10 games. Each team wanted something different, some more scoring, some more strength at a specific position, some more “O”, some more “D” and some wanted a specific player from another team to strengthen their team. So we made the following trades in order to balance the teams as much as possible:

Here’s the schedule for next week. If you were traded, we need your jersey !! Please make sure you get it to the team captain before the game.

5:15: Wings vs Canadians
5:45: Rangers vs Leafs
6:45: Bruins vs Black Hawks

Blackhawks: Added John Purdy and Eric Parusel, lost Mario Rea and Victor Tan

Maple Leafs: Added Ron Cicuto, lost Tom Hoyme

Red Wings: Added Tom Hoyme, lost Geoff Jarman

Bruins: added Geoff Jarman and Victor Tan, lost Eric Taylor

Canadians: Added Mario Rea, lost John Purdy

Rangers: added Eric Taylor, lost Eric Parusel

See you on the ice on Friday !!