Category: The Commish

Draft Night


The season is upon us. This Thursday night, August 22nd, is the 2013-2013 draft. We are once again are having it at the Firefighter’s Club in Burnaby.

The draft is a great way to catch up with the all the guys after a long and sunny summer. You can also pay your league fees! This year we are accepting cash and cheque only. In one payment of $635 or two payments of $337.50.

Plus there will be lots of prizes this year but you need to be there to win. Some of the swag we’ll be giving away includes:

  • 2 “Free Half Seasons” of hockey ($317.50 value each)
  • A couple of pairs of hockey gloves ($50 value each)
  • 4 new composite sticks ($100 value each – 2 Rights and 2 Lefts)
  • Lots of hockey tape and skate sharpeners

See you on Thursday boys.

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Drinking and Driving

Hi guyz,

Just a reminder for Friday.

Just because the beer is free, it doesn’t mean that you have to drink your summer’s worth of beer and then get in your car and drive home !! Eat lots of pizza please !

Please be aware, as I’m sure you all are, that drinking and driving can have serious consequences. In the event that you feel that you are in no condition to drive home, please bring it to our attention and we will make alternate arrangements to get you home – we may have someone else drive you home or arrange a taxi or ………………………………

Just a reminder, as if you need it !!

Don’t drink and drive !

Finals Week

Hi guys,

Well, we’re at the final week of Simons Hockey for 2013 and summer is almost upon us (just look outside !!).

Here is the schedule of games for Friday:

5:15: The Corea Showdown: Leafs vs the Rangers (We’re all wondering if the Rangers will go 0-6 in the playoffs !!)
5:45: The Canadians and the Hawks (Playing for the ‘Close Award’)
6:45: The Wings vs Bruins (Playing for all the marbles – in Vegas, the Bruins are listed as 15-13 favourites and in Atlantic City the Wings are 15-13 favourites – imagine that !!)

Please remember to turn in your sweaters and socks to your captain after your game.

After the final game, join us up in the bar (we’ll have our own room as usual) for the presentation of the trophies and some general BS’ing about our team this year !! Oh yes, there’s also free beer and pizza for everyone.

We can listen to the winners tell us how they:

gave 110%
played as a team
played a 60 minute game
played for each other
needed to get the bounces
played both ends of the ice
and there will undoubtedly be more………….enjoy it all boys, cause that’s why we play the game !!

Oh yea and one last thing, please don’t drink beer when you’re watching the final game, as always, keep it in the dressing room.

For the guys who didn’t play this year, why not come out and see the guys and say hello, maybe you are interested in playing next year??????

The Commish

Balancing Act


As you know, the intent of the Simons Hockey League is tot have 6 teams that are as equal as we can make them so they are all competitive with each other.

As usual, after 10 games (playing each team twice), the captains met last night and made a number of trades. No one player was traded for another specific player, but rather players were moved from team to team to balance the teams as much as possible, for the rest of the year. There will be no further trades this year, this is now your team !!

Tomorrow’s Game Times: November 23, 2012
5:15PM – Red Wings (H) vs Canadiens
5:45PM – Rangers vs Maple Leafs (H)
6:45PM – Bruins (H) vs Blackhawks

ACTION REQUIRED: If your name is on the list below, and you were previously with the RED WINGS or the CANADIANS, you need to have your sweater turned in before the 1st game tomorrow for the new players on your old team.

Here are the trades that were made:

Bruins Acquire
Greg Harrison

Maple Leafs Acquire
Garrett Archer
Chris Sturgess
Chris Annable
Patrick Thiermann

Blackhawks Acquire
James Annable

Canadiens Acquire
Mario Rey
Eric Parusel
Tom Hoyme
Paul Arsenault (Pending return)

Red Wings Acquire
Dete Mordhurst

Rangers Acquire

Looking forward to the balance of the season and good healthy competitive, clean games.

Remember, play hard, play clean !!

Beer Outside The Dressing Room

Hey Guyz,

We had a bit of a scene last Friday when an 8 Rinks Manager approached the group of guys watching the 3rd game. Many of them were drinking beers (as we usually do). 8 Rinks has advised us in the past that this type of behaviour (drinking beer outside of the dressing room) will not be tolerated. This year, they have been clamping down on this activity – this is the 2nd time a manager has appeared.

In our league contract with 8 RInks, it also states that we can have our ice time permanently taken away for these types of ‘infractions’ and I know we all do not want that to happen – and, by the way, 8 RInks will be more than happy to take back our Friday night ice times. I was advised by an 8 RInks employee, that 8 RInks wants to take our our ice times away for other leagues, so we don’t want to provoke them or give them any reason to do so.

Sooooooooooooooooo, I hate to say it, BUT……………

Guys, we can no longer drink outside of the dressing room – ZERO TOLERANCE GUYS – NO BEER CONSUMED WHILE WATCHING THE 3RD GAME. None of us wants to lose our ice times and we need all the guys to make sure it doesn’t happen.

So, if you see one of our guys drinking outside the dressing room, then it is up to you (Yes, you !!) to have them dump their beer. Its your ice time, protect it for all of us.




Halloween After Party

Hey Guys,

This Friday after your hockey games come down to Joe’s Apartment (not Joe Wong’s place) Its a bar directly across the street from the Roxy. Rob Quayles band will be headlining. THey’ll be on about 9:30-10:00pm.


Wanna check the music out first? go to……


P.S – maybe Mr. Ron Logan will be up on stage playing the Mandolin with us?

Injury Insurance


With the recent injury to Paul Gruber a couple of weeks ago, I’ve had a couple of emails about whether or not the Simons Hockey League carries insurance to cover you in the event that you get injured and have to miss work or whatever.

Just to clarify, we required that you sign a waiver at the beginning of the year taking full responsibility for your participation in the league. If you have not yet signed a waiver, please inform your captain and we will provide one immediately or you can print out the attached, fill it in, sign it and return it to me at this email.

Simons Hockey League DOES NOT carry any kind of insurance against injuries sustained before / during / after games and cannot be held liable for same. Please see the 2012 2013 Players Release Form for all the information.

If you have any other questions, let me know.

Keep up the good work boyz, play hard and play clean !!

See you on the ice,