2015 – 2016 : Week 2

Hi Boys,

Week 2 of the pre-season has concluded. The Red Wings failed to take advantage of 20 minutes of empty net and lost to the Maple Leafs 5-2 in the early game. In the middle game the Canadiens and Bruins tied 5-5. The late game was taken by the Blackhawks, who improve to 2-0, over the Rangers 5-3.

Next week the schedule is:

5:15PM – Maple Leafs (H) vs Canadiens
5:45PM – Blackhawks vs Red Wings (H)
6:45PM – Bruins (H) vs Rangers


2015 – 2016 : Week 1

Hi Boys,

Week 1 has come and gone. It is my understanding there the early game and the middle game were both close fun games. The Blackhawks took the early game 8-6 over the Bruins. In the middle game the Rangers defeated the Maple Leafs 6-4. The late game was won by the Candadiens 5-3 against the Red Wings.

I have been recording the stats on my internal tracker. It will take me a bit of time to get the new players and teams sorted. But it will be done over the next week.

Best Regards,

League Fees

Hi Boys,

Thank you to everyone that came out to the draft. There were lots of new and old faces. If you weren’t able to make it we missed you there and you owe some money!! Here is the structure for league fees this year:

Fees for 2015 / 2016 are as follows (you have 2 options to structure your payment).

OPTION #1: TWO PAYMENT OPTION: Total fee of $825.

1st Payment: Deposit of $100 (already paid by all players)
2nd Payment: Payable before or at the first game.

OPTION #2: THREE PAYMENT OPTION: Total fee of $855.

Pay remaining balance of $725 in two payments:

1st Payment: Deposit of $100 (already paid by all players)
2nd Payment: $ 400.00 payable before or at the first game.
3rd Payment: $ 355.00 payable no later than November 15.

Cost for Goalies is, as always, 50% of regular player fees.

If you have any further questions speak with Dale Harvey. This year he is on the Red Wings.

Best Regards,

Reminder: Simon’s Hockey Draft Tonight

Hi Guys,

Well, tonight is our Player Draft at Firefighter’s Pub. The action starts at 7:00 pm. Come out and see who goes “first overall” !!!

We’ll be giving away lots of prizes including 1/2 a year’s free hockey – but you gotta be there to win. Tape, gloves, skate sharpeners, hockey sticks, sock tape and lots more so come out and see the guys, find out who you’ll be playing for, pick up your jersey and see some new and old friends !!

See you tonight and don’t forget to bring your cheques for your fees. Dale our super duper money guy will be there recording everything !!

See you at 7 pm at Firefighter’s and we’d especially like to see the new guys come out and meet everyone else, its a great way to get started !!

See you tonight boyz !!!!

Here’s the map, you can park in the Metrotown parking lot:

The Commish

2015-2016 Simons Hockey Draft

Hi guys,

Well its September already, what happened to the summer? The good news is that with the disappearance of summer comes with beginning of hockey season !!

To start the Simons season, we’ll be having the player’s draft one week today, Tuesday September 8th. The draft will be held at Firefighter’s Pub beginning at 7:00 pm.

At the draft, you’ll be able to meet new and old friends, find out what team you’re on, choose your number and get your jerseys and socks.

You’ll also be eligible to win 1/2 a year’s FREE HOCKEY, sticks, gloves and lots more but you gotta be there to win.

So reserve your Tuesday night next week and we’ll see you at Firefighter’s Pub. You’ll find it at:

See you at 7:00 next Tuesday !

Don’t forget to bring your cheques as payment and remember if you don’t pay your next instalment by September 11th, you won’t be able to play.

The Commish

Simons 2015-2016 Draft

Hey guys,

Time to put those skin tight speedos away as hockey season is almost upon us……………….

This is just a reminder (there will be more of them !!) that the Annual Simons Player Draft will be held on Tuesday September 8th at 7:00 pm at Firefighter’s Pub in Burnaby. We hope to see all of the players at the draft, especially the new guys so you can meet us all and get a flavour for the league.

There will be many prize giveaways including 1/2 year’s free hockey, sticks and lots of other hockey equipment……………but you gotta be there to win………………

More information and Google map to follow as the draft gets closer.

Don’t forget to bring your cheques to the draft, if that’s how you’re going to pay.

See you there !!

Download 2015-2016 Schedule

Hi Boys,

This year’s schedule is up for download. You can click the Schedule button above or download it here. Our first week is September 11, 2015. On that day the teams playing are:

5:15PM – Bruins (H) vs Blackhawks
5:45PM – Rangers (H) vs Maple Leafs
6:45PM – Red Wings (H) vs Canadiens

The draft is September 8, 2015, that is a Tuesday. Look for more information here and from Art in the coming weeks!


FINAL REMINDER – Holding Your Spot for Simons Hockey

Hi everyone,

You only have 2 days left if you want to hold your spot for next year for Simons Hockey. Send a $100 deposit before June 30 to hold your spot for Simons hockey for next year.

As per our player survey, we are going to register players early this year by requesting payment of a $100 deposit to hold your spot.

We talked about the deposit being non refundable. Obviously, if you have a bona fide reason for receiving a refund, we will be more than happy to do so. A reason such as “I just changed my mind” or “I decided I’m going to play in another league on another night” will be insufficient to warrant a refund. If you are injured or your employer has relocated you or some other bona fide reason for not playing, you will receive a refund. Our intention here is to ensure that we have enough players to ice our six teams, again, because we are expecting to lose more players than normal this year.

Provided Dale has your deposit by end of day June 30, your spot will be reserved for the upcoming season.

This is your FINAL notice to make your deposit. In the event that you have not paid your $100 deposit by June 30, we will assume that you have chosen not to play in the league next year and we will fill your roster spot accordingly. If you change your mind after June 30 and then decide you want to play in the league, you will go onto our “Waiting to Get Into the League” list, which is on a ‘first come first serve’ basis and right now there are 25 people on that list………therefore you would be #26. So you have been well warned !!

Here’s how you can hold your spot:

1. Call Linda Kassis at 8 Rinks at 604 291 0626 ext. 236. If she’s not there, leave her a voicemail with:

a) Your name
b) Your credit card number
c) Amount of your deposit ($100)
d) Payment for Simons contract # 11449

2. Electronically transfer Dale the funds from your bank account. Email for sending the funds is to teamharvey@shaw.ca. Make Dale’s life easy by asking this skill testing question when you etransfer your funds. Question: League Name? Answer: Simons Hockey

Send a cheque to:

Dale Harvey
4510 Lions Avenue
North Vancouver BC
V7R 3S8

Looking forward to next year, see you then !!


Reserving Your Spot for SImons Hockey for 2015 / 2016

Hi everyone,

Action Required:  Send a $100 deposit before June 30 to hold your spot for Simons hockey for next year.
As per our player survey, we are going to register players early this year by requesting payment of a $100 deposit to hold your spot.  You can hold your spot for SImons Hockey next year bysending a $100 deposit no later than June 30.
We talked about the deposit being non refundable.  Obviously, if you have a bona fide reason for receiving a refund, we will be more than happy to do so.  A reason such as “I just changed my mind” or “I decided I’m going to play in another league on another night” will be insufficient to warrant a refund. If you are injured or your employer has relocated you or some other bona fide reason for not playing, you will receive a refund.  Our intention here is to ensure that we have enough players to ice our six teams, again, because we are expecting to lose more players than normal this year.
Provided Dale has your deposit by end of day June 30, your spot will be reserved for the upcoming season.
We are giving you 30 days notice to make your deposit.  In the event that you have not paid your $100 deposit by June 30, we will assume that you have chosen not to play in the league next year and we will fill your roster spot accordingly.  If you change your mind after June 30 and then decide you want to play in the league, you will go onto our “Waiting to Get Into the League” list, which is on a ‘first come first serve’ basis and right now there are 17 people on that list………therefore you would be #18.  So you have been well warned !!
Here’s how you can hold your spot:
1.  Call Linda Kassis at 8 Rinks at 604 291 0626 ext. 236.  If she’s not there, leave her a voicemail with:
a)  Your name
b)  Your credit card number
c)  Amount of your deposit ($100)
d)  Payment for Simons contract # 11449
2.  Electronically transfer Dale  the funds from your bank account.  Email for sending the funds is to teamharvey@shaw.ca.  Make Dale’s life easy by asking this skill testing question when you etransfer your funds.  Question:  League Name?      Answer:  Simons Hockey
Send a cheque to:
Dale Harvey
4510 Lions Avenue
North Vancouver BC
V7R 3S8
Looking forward to next year, see you then !!

Simons Players Survey Results – 2015


Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete our 2015 Players survey – we had 82 of 90 players respond.  The results are attached and as a consequence, we will be making changes to the way the league is run next year.

There will be more information coming on the changes that will impact the 2015 / 2016 season.  Watch for them.

For now, there is lots of reading to do (35 pages !) and that’s a good thing because obviously people put thought into what they had to say.  As expected there are plenty of differences of opinion.

The comments are basically presented verbatim, I took the liberty of changing some of the grammar and some of the spelling, but other than that, this is EXACTLY what you said.  3 players had their names attached to their comments and I removed their names as we promised that ALL comments would be anonymous.

If anyone would like to verify the comments by comparing what we have presented here vis a vis the original survey input, we will be more than happy to provide username and passwords so that you can see the original results of the survey.  If you wish to do so, just send me an email and I will send you the uname and password to the survey and you can compare what is attached with the original input.

Stay tuned for our next communication which will advise you how to register for next year.  75% of the players are in support of the $100 non refundable deposit to secure your spot so we will be proceeding with that initiative.

Looking forward to a competitive, safe, fun and clean 2015/2016 !!


Have a great summer everyone !!